Horoscopes & Blog

Meet Jules

Attorney turned ASTROLOGER, I've survived (& thrived) the challenge of creating a lifestyle that truly reflects the unique spirit in me. I want to help you do that too.


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Hello, beautiful friend! How are you? Does anything stand out to you as you reflect back on June? For me, June reinforced that the general ideas we discuss here (called “mundane astrology”) will never impact two people equally or in the same manner. Each planet and Zodiac sign impart such a vast spectrum of meaning that […]

The Astrology of July 2024

The Astrology of March 2024

Hi, friends. February was a remarkable month. I hope there were bright spots for you, particularly in mid to late month after the Pluto activations died down. Things had felt cumbersome in my life for a while, but a few short trips in February were just what I needed, bringing me back to a groove. […]

Hello, beautiful soul. Thanks for joining me for another monthly forecast. As I reflect on January, I recall stating something like “do not sleep on the power available to you in January.” The hidden implication in that statement is the notion that when planets harmonize well, life can get a bit sleepy. That’s exactly how January […]

The Astrology of February 2024: If You’ve Felt Stuck, This is YOUR Month!

The Astrology of November 2023: Reminders of our limits help us improvise

Hi, friends.  When I first reviewed the astrology of 2023, October and November easily stood out as two of the tougher months of our year. From time to time a cluster of planets traveling though one area of the sky aligns with a cluster of planets sitting in the opposite area of our sky. That’s what’s happening now. Astrologers call […]

Hi, friends! September was a complex month, right? I had some really amazing and inspiring days, and I’ve started work on new offerings I’m excited to share in the future. But with Mercury retrograde half last month, many things went differently than expected. The message I tried emphasizing these last few months – as both […]

The Astrology of October 2023: Eclipse Season

The Astrology of August 2023: A Wild Venus Retrograde in Leo Continues

Hi, friends. We’re entering a very important month – a month of continuing shifts that promise to remodel some part of our lives courtesy of Venus Retrograde. August also brings two full moons (supermoons!) to heighten the emotion, the beginning of a Mercury retrograde, and lots of other aspects that suggest a dynamic month from […]

Hi, folks! The month of June was an interesting one. In our last newsletter, I’d forgotten to mention that Saturn would turn retrograde in June. Saturn Retrograde tends to increase the demands daily life. I did discuss Saturn retrograde at length in our 2023 Calendar, however, and laughed a bit when seeing I’d failed to take […]

The Astrology of July 2023: Your 3-month Venus retrograde journey begins NOW!

The Astrology of May 2023: Lean in where you feel steady, grounded and well-supported

Here we are, beginning a new month in the middle of Mercury Retrograde and eclipse season. Last month’s astrology played out as expected with pretty major retrograde news. Microsoft had issues on multiple platforms. Microsoft 365 suffered major cloud outages, and students who use Blackboard (a huge online network for teams and schools) couldn’t access […]

Here we are already in April. March was a time warp. Saturn changed signs after 3 years in Aquarius; Pluto changed signs after 15 years in Capricorn. These are two of our most slow-moving, heavy-hitting planets. Their movements signal the deepest and most profound life changes. And boy do I feel it! We’ve entered a fresh new landscape […]

The Astrology of April 2023: An eclipse and retrograde prompt last minute adjustments as we lay new roots

The Astrology of March 2023: Gateway to a new phase of purpose and calling

Hi, friends! Thanks for joining me to look at the gateway March lays before us. Actually, it’s more of a month-long tunnel than a doorway we step right through. While a new phase of life is ahead for each of us, it’ll take a full month of shifts to get there. An incredible 7 out […]


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