Horoscopes & Blog

Meet Jules

Attorney turned ASTROLOGER, I've survived (& thrived) the challenge of creating a lifestyle that truly reflects the unique spirit in me. I want to help you do that too.


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Hey, friends. Did you feel that shift in October? If you recall, our forecast divided October into two distinct categories – the first few weeks pleasant, then around the 19th, the intensity would ramp up. The change was very palpable for me and the people in my daily life. What happened for you? November is […]

The Astrology of November 2022: Surrender to a greater plan

The Astrology of October 2022: Plan to bend with the wind

Hello, friends! Our retrograde season continues in October with a number of themes I want you to know about. It’s a time when knowing the astrology can really help us adjust our expectations and avoid errors. Why? Because the first few weeks of October look super constructive coming off the heels of September. We’ll start […]

Hi, friends! If you haven’t felt it yet, retrograde season is in full swing. This month we have Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ALL RETROGRADE. Mars starts slowing down for its own retrograde soon too. In other words, every planet but Venus is in reverse direction or speed for September. Add to it […]

The Astrology of September 2022: Finding Peace & Maintaining Dignity

The Astrology of August 2022: Access Your Superpowers

Hello, astro fam! Ready for the August astrology? July was quite a ride. My observations definitely aligned with the astrology of the month we’re ending: Our inner world / feeling nature was heightened. For me, there’s been an overarching sense of irritability. It’s taken a lot of patience to manage my short fuse and preserve […]

Hi, friends. I hope June was filled with fun and summer sun for you all. Here we are looking into July, a confrontational and emotionally complex period. Good thing we have astrology to help us discuss it in advance so we can navigate life as better humans EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. There’s no better time to reflect on […]

The Astrology of July 2022: Tension and triggers help us see and rewrite our inner program.

The Astrology of June 2022: Prepare for a flavorful month!

Hi, friends! I’m just leaving NORWAC – a phenomenal astrology conference out in Seattle – and am headed out on a multi-week road trip to celebrate my 40th birthday. This message will be my only message for June and focuses on the highlights I’ve chosen for the whole month.  From a broad perspective, it’s a […]

Hi, friends. Here we are, already on the brink of the May 16th eclipse. These last few weeks flew by in a hectic fog. The pace has really picked up, as predicted. I saw some amazing surprises around that Sun-Uranus conjunction on the 5th and have heard lots of Mercury Retrograde stories already, though it’s […]

Astrology Update Mid-May 2022: How will the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses affect your life path?

The Astrology of May 2022: It’s a real oxymoron when Jupiter enters Aries & Mercury turns retrograde the same day…”Just Do It”, but not too fast

Hi, friends! Yesterday (Saturday, April 30th) was the first eclipse of our year. The changes seeded by it may not be obvious yet, as we’re only in the beginning stages of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipses affecting us through late next year. These eclipses signify changing dynamics in at least 2 areas of your life, particularly for […]

Hi, friends. The long-awaited Jupiter-Neptune conjunction has finally arrived. These two planets haven’t come together in the sign of Pisces since the mid-1800’s and ( at least for your favorite astrologer 🙂 it’s a pretty big deal. I could write a thesis on the spectrum of feelings and events one could confront at a time […]

Mid-April 2022 Astrology Update: A new dream is taking root, but distractions make it hard to envision the future yet.

The Astrology of April 2022: Hang in there, things ease up soon!

Hi, friends. Thanks for keeping in touch last month. I’ve heard incredible stories about how the March astrology panned out for you. I’m glad to hear you’re staying present and dealing with things responsibly, no matter how unfair or unrelenting life has gotten. That’s the name of the game right now with all the Saturnian […]


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stay tuned! soon You'll be getting astrology updates around the 1st & 15th of every month.