Hi, friends.
We enter the month in a stretch of time that’s very ramped up, very emotionally and energetically charged. Feelings of weightiness, anxiousness, and inexplicable discomfort have been common. If you’re one of the people for whom life feels light and well-balanced recently, FANTASTIC! Understanding these energetic trends could still be helpful for understanding others in your life.
For me, I find myself under pressure to present the astrology in the most glowing, opportunistic light. Competing with that is a need to call things as I see them amidst a period scattered with tension. Some folks hate hearing that. But astrologers see tension differently. We know that tension is THE agent, THE motivator that pushes us towards amazing change. The current time is all about REVEALING what things need adjustment so we stay on course for the highest and best outcomes. As we get into spring of 2025, we’ll have several years of large-scale revolutions and resolutions of current conflicts.
As for November, there are breaks in the heaviness ahead. With fortunate and harsh alignments happening simultaneously this first week – some parts of life could feel great while snags remain in others. November will advance your understanding of the issues and offer temporary relief in latter weeks. Enjoy the ease but do not be fooled that’s the end of the matter. Upcoming retrogrades suggest that whatever’s on your plate now will continue fleshing out in months ahead. No need to rush to find answers.
[B]e patient toward all that is unsolved and try LOVING the questions themselves. LIVE the questions and you will gradually live into the answers.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
Off the bat this month is a Scorpio New Moon November 1. This New Moon carries potential for catharsis and rejuvenation, though the choices / conversations needed to jumpstart the process may not be easy. Scorpio relates to the areas of our lives where we’ve formed deep attachments. It can be challenging to embrace new beginnings in such areas. Doing so requires a great deal of honesty with ourselves, vulnerability with others, a confrontation of our fears, fixations, resistance and cling to control.
To see where this New Moon could be useful for you, consider the following:
Taking small risks in a new direction early this month will be well worth it. The New Moon’s trine to Saturn signals lasting results for your efforts. It’s possible to lay the foundation for a completely new framework in places you’ve felt stagnant.
Last newsletter we discussed how Mars in Cancer was prone to increase irritability, moodiness, and emotional reactivity. To the extent we’re processing a lot on the inside, it becomes much harder to handle or process external stimuli. If your inner world has felt turbulent or you’ve needed more time away from others, trust that something of value will come of it.
Late October / early November is sure to offer VISIBILITY and ILLUMINATION of anything important that hadn’t been seen. This time helps us observe and take stock of where we’re at and any issues that exist. Though the possibilities are infinite, some common experiences with Mars opposite Pluto include:
THINGS MAY FEEL MORE DRAMATIC THAN THEY ARE. You may find yourself questioning whether to persevere “against all odds” or fold altogether. That’s normal but unlikely the real choice that needs to be made.
On a feel-good note, this alignment offers glimpses of how far you’ve come since February in expressing yourself more productively and channeling your power more effectively. YAY for YOU!!!!!!!!! This year you’ve:
How are you doing better than ever before? Anywhere you feel dissatisfied, count awareness as a worthy step forward then return to celebrating your progress. Mars and Pluto are scheduled to repeat this opposition two more times. Whatever comes up now will reemerge in late December/early January, then again in April. Make space for imperfection and aim to do better each time. You will continue having breakthroughs in areas listed above through next spring.
Now for the nitty gritty of November…your quick-reference calendar.
11/1 – 11/5 | November 3 is the precise climax of the Mars-Pluto opposition. Expect intensity to prevail through November 5 when Mars leaves Cancer. All themes in the section above related to power, self-assertion, and responding to dramatic feelings or situations are peaking. Also remember that Mars in Cancer stirs up issues in the family, one’s home and homeland. Pluto in Capricorn is another trigger now for issues related to power (or disempowerment), authority figures, career and responsibility. Your private life may feel at odds with your public life in some way. As we spoke of last month, avoid power plays and manipulative situations.
Amidst any difficulty, Venus aligned with Jupiter signals a potential for pleasure, relaxation, gifts, rewards, good outcomes and optimism. Life may feel positive or promising in one area despite ongoing challenges in another. Something to watch out for these days is excess and over-indulgence. Over-eating, over-drinking, and excess spending come to mind. Enjoy yourself while staying grounded.
Regarding the US election, the astrology suggests that American readers could feel some relief come November 5 itself, though we could wait some days (perhaps November 7 or 8) for particular announcements. It’s unlikely the transfer of leadership will feel settled until next spring. YEAH…challenges could continue FAR PAST inauguration date. I’m curious to see what happens or comes out after election day. It looks messy.
11/7 – 11/10 | An escape from reality and illusory-type energy. Creative escape and play abound these days. It’s a good time for anything artistic, musical, crafty or spiritual. I’ve got a drag show on my calendar that weekend and noticed the venue’s tagline is “the art of female illusion perfected.” How apropos. It’s a great time for fantasy so long as we remember where we are. Things are unlikely to be exactly as they appear. That’s okay in certain contexts.
11/11 – 11/12 | These days look serious. They could require a lot of mental work and focus. You might be dealing with important news, an overload of small stuff, or slowness in communication or information systems. For questions asked, the answer is likely to be “no.” If there’s something you want, ask for it another time.
11/15 – 11/18 | Holy moly…another dramatic full moon. The Taurus Full Moon November 15 brings drama as it conjoins Uranus, planet of surprises and plot twists. It’s accompanied by a sense of restlessness, rebellion, and irrationality. The days that follow (November 16-18) suggest a flood of information, opinions, and perhaps some moral dilemma. Expect the unexpected on the world stage. If anything happens that impacts you personally, take a few days to re-center yourself before speaking / taking decisive action.
11/19 – 11/30 | Things should ease considerably after a flurry of full moon aftermath. This period restores some sense of stability. If there’s an area of life you’ve done a lot of “wheel-spinning” lately, do not lose faith. You should slowly but surely start gaining traction now that Saturn’s retrograde is over. I at least appreciate how planetary movements reflect the true path of progress. Retrogrades illustrate how we must continually go back, firm things up and make adjustments in order to build. And you’re right on track!
A final note for November is that Mercury stations retrograde November 25. Be ready for a pace adjustment in the days surrounding the 25th. Ideas, calculations, communications or plans could be called into question. Work slowly and exercise a bit more caution this month if you deal in large data sets, make projections, or serve as any type of advisor. If you’re traveling late in the month, delays or re-routing may happen. Build extra time into your schedule if driving. Carry on luggage and plan something fun to do in case of delays at the airport.
I was walking in the park last month when a friend texted to share a delightful coincidence that happened to him. I smiled at the message, then after reflecting replied: “I feel I’m outside the realm of synchronicity right now.” It had been so long since I’d glimpsed that magic I knew he was seeing.
About 3 minutes later, I rounded a curve in my walking path and spotted a huge buck on a hilltop through a clearing. His rack and silhouette shined so majestically in the sun that I actually wondered – is that real?! After standing in awe for some time, the buck came running down the hill in my direction then cut toward some trees to my left. I laughed remembering the statement I’d just made.
The truth is: WE ARE NEVER OUTSIDE THE REALM OF SYNCHRONICITY. I was reminded of that again when I pulled an oracle card for this month’s newsletter…
You are watched over by life and held in protection. The All-Seeing Eye of Life perceives everything, without exception. It is the universal mother with eyes not only in the back of her head but in every living cell of life itself. She misses nothing! And the truth of her vision will always be met with justice, mercy and wisdom.
~ The Sacred Rebels Oracle, Alana Fairchild
Wishing you a powerfully constructive month ahead.
Let astrology become your biggest advantage in everyday life.
My emails help you flow with the rhythm of life, and use its moment for its highest and intended purpose!