Hello, astro fam!
Ready for the August astrology? July was quite a ride. My observations definitely aligned with the astrology of the month we’re ending:
The August astrology shows the tense energies we spoke about last time continue to mount. They reach a few dramatic peaks in the beginning of August. I won’t rehash all that at length since we discussed it last month. Below, I’ll just briefly mention the red flag dates for your calendar.
The rest of this message is an attempt to re-frame the month for its highest and best use. We’ll look at the August astrology to see where we might find EMPOWERMENT and JOY. It IS Leo season, after all.
These red flag dates represent climaxes in the planetary configurations we’re moving through. The planets involved indicate the following possibilities – feeling stressed out, under pressure, blocked from progress, jittery, nervous or anxious, not knowing where to go, what’s coming next, or how to see your way out of a difficult situation. There’s some potential touchiness, aggression, and unexpected responses from yourself or others. With that comes a yearning to break free, rebel, and impulse to say “fuck it all! I’m done!”
Again, astrology patterns never foretell something subjectively bad will happen. They merely help ALERT US that whatever goes on these first 2 weeks of August may SEEM and FEEL difficult. It’s so important to remember that it’s nearly always our perception of what’s happening that causes us problems. That doesn’t negate unpleasant feelings. But it does help when I pull back and recognize the “thing” itself isn’t as life-shattering as it feels.
I love saying “so what” when people ponder things they wouldn’t like. It’s good to challenge our fear of outcomes. Playing it out in my mind always shows me that an unwanted outcome is really a Divine nudge towards another place I’m meant to go.
So whatever you do:
There are a number of other happenings in our August astrology that provide sources of inspiration and direction for our activities. The key is tapping into how the energies might best support us this month.
Leo is a larger-than-life sign ruled by the Sun. Think for a moment about the first warm, sunny day following winter. The sensation of the sun’s heat spreads tingles over your skin. It’s a happy and invigorating sensation. In a similar way, there’s a sense of warmth, enthusiasm and happiness that characterizes this month each year when the Sun visits its home sign. It’s summer vibes at their best further boosted when Venus enters Leo August 11th.
Leo season is a time for games, romance, mental and physical adventures, and taking time out for your hobbies. Dust off that old guitar and reconnect with hidden talents. 15 minutes works if it’s all you have. Do you still know all the words to your favorite 90’s rap album? Make a playlist for your daily drive and see!
On a deeper level, Leo season encourages us to look at the status quo of our lives and ask: does your life allow connection with what gives you joy and is meaningful TO YOU? Leo is strongly associated with the specialness of the “I”. Leo reminds us that we feel happier (even have more success) when we starting prioritizing our joy and talents more. Focusing time and attention on the things that make you shine is not a matter of pleasure or leisure, it’s a matter of FULFILLING YOUR VERY LIFE PURPOSE!
It makes no difference what this is for you. It could be family, crafting, hosting cookouts, leading your neighborhood association, or singing at open mic night to 3 strangers in the audience. One of the most influential astrologers of this era, Dane Rudhyar, said something that really blew my mind in The Astrology of Personality:
“Evil is to become what one is not; and good, to fulfill what one is. The law of life, the good law, is the law of fulfillment.”
Rudhyar’s book also recited these powerful words from Hindu scripture:
“Perform though that which though hast to do, at all times unmindful of the event; for the man who doeth that which he hath to do, without attachment to the result, obtaineth the Supreme.”
To do what you feel called to do, no matter how meaningless it may seem, will never be meaningless. Whether you see the larger impact of your actions or not, if you feel called, it’s not trivial. It’s easy to overlook the power of the things we feel called to do. We look at the world and see so much change is needed. We wonder what impact we can really have. I feel this way all the time. Then I remind myself that positively affecting one person with this newsletter is worth the 2 days it took me to write it.
This month is a great time to reconnect with the ways you feel called in life. Reconnect to the little things that call you, to places/things/people that make your light shine bright. If you’re someone who’s majorly stuck or discontent right now, it’s OKAY if hearing what calls you feels difficult. The solution begins with rediscovering little joys.
Close your eyes and meditate on tasting that cup of coffee tomorrow morning. Sit under the shade of a tree at lunchtime. Sing your heart out in the car. Before you know it, the small, juicy moments will add up HUGE DOSES OF CLARITY and direction!
August 15, 18 and 19 are perhaps the loveliest of days this month to treat yourself for getting through one of the most challenging segments of our year. Sleep late and a day off if you can. Call in abundance – not by searching for it – but by simply doing all the things that make you happy. Something incredible may come of it.
The Sun isn’t the only planet traveling through its home sign this month. Mercury will too, as it visits Virgo from August 4-27. What does that mean for you?
The August astrology is blessing us with superb critical thinking skills. It’s a good time to work on anything detail oriented that requires working with the brain or hands, like writing business plans, budgets, making projections, doing research, drafting your outline for a book, creating a master class, and so forth. So take advantage and move these tasks to the front of your plate in August.
If you’re feeling stagnant as mid-month nears, know the second half of August will launch you forward leaps and bounds. Mercury trines Uranus on August 16 and Mercury trines Pluto August 22. That week should bring you breakthrough ideas, aha moments, and insight to help you tackle your projects. Written and verbal communications should flow a little better too. Plan to devote significant, uninterrupted time to these things around the 16th and 22nd and maximize those mental superpowers.
I’m highlighting the 19th for you as well, just note that date has a slightly different tone than the others. With Neptune heavily in the mix, save this date for more creative tasks, where daydreaming and using your imagination would be ideal. Also, anything that requires sensitivity or connection with another person’s perspective is supported. Example: I may work on fine-tuning my website and improving the “voice” that’s connecting with my target client.
So let’s tap into the astrology of August and say YES to everything the month brings us. Let’s:
I’ll close with a mantra adapted for you from Your Word Is Your Wand by Florence Scovel Shinn:
Let astrology become your biggest advantage in everyday life.
My emails help you flow with the rhythm of life, and use its moment for its highest and intended purpose!